Source code for acoustics._signal

import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import wavfile
from scipy.signal import detrend, lfilter, bilinear, spectrogram, filtfilt, resample, fftconvolve
import acoustics

from acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007 import REFERENCE_PRESSURE
from acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013 import WEIGHTING_SYSTEMS
from acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013 import (NOMINAL_OCTAVE_CENTER_FREQUENCIES,

[docs]class Signal(np.ndarray): """A signal consisting of samples (array) and a sample frequency (float). """ def __new__(cls, data, fs): obj = np.asarray(data).view(cls) obj.fs = fs return obj def __array_prepare__(self, array, context=None): try: a = context[1][0] b = context[1][1] except IndexError: return array if hasattr(a, 'fs') and hasattr(b, 'fs'): if a.fs == b.fs: return array else: raise ValueError("Sample frequencies do not match.") else: return array def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None): return np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): # see InfoArray.__array_finalize__ for comments if obj is None: return self.fs = getattr(obj, 'fs', None) def __reduce__(self): # Get the parent's __reduce__ tuple pickled_state = super(Signal, self).__reduce__() # Create our own tuple to pass to __setstate__ new_state = pickled_state[2] + (self.fs, ) # Return a tuple that replaces the parent's __setstate__ tuple with our own return (pickled_state[0], pickled_state[1], new_state) def __setstate__(self, state): self.fs = state[-1] # Set the info attribute # Call the parent's __setstate__ with the other tuple elements. super(Signal, self).__setstate__(state[0:-1]) def __repr__(self): return "Signal({})".format(str(self)) def _construct(self, x): """Construct signal like x.""" return Signal(x, self.fs) @property def samples(self): """Amount of samples in signal.""" return self.shape[-1] @property def channels(self): """Amount of channels. """ if self.ndim > 1: return self.shape[-2] else: return 1 @property def duration(self): """Duration of signal in seconds. """ return self.samples / self.fs @property def values(self): """Return the values of this signal as an instance of :class:`np.ndarray`.""" return np.array(self)
[docs] def calibrate_to(self, decibel, inplace=False): """Calibrate signal to value `decibel`. :param decibel: Value to calibrate to. :param inplace: Whether to perform inplace or not. :returns: Calibrated signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` Values of `decibel` are broadcasted. To set a value per channel, use `decibel[...,None]`. """ decibel = decibel * np.ones(self.shape) gain = decibel - self.leq()[..., None] return self.gain(gain, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def calibrate_with(self, other, decibel, inplace=False): """Calibrate signal with other signal. :param other: Other signal/array. :param decibel: Signal level of `other`. :param inplace: Whether to perform inplace or not. :returns: calibrated signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` """ if not isinstance(other, Signal): other = Signal(other, self.fs) gain = decibel - other.leq() return self.gain(gain, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def decimate(self, factor, zero_phase=False, ftype='iir', order=None): """Decimate signal by integer `factor`. Before downsampling a low-pass filter is applied. :param factor: Downsampling factor. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase shift by filtering with ``filtfilt`` instead of ``lfilter``. :param ftype: Filter type. :param order: Filter order. :returns: Decimated signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.signal.decimate` .. seealso:: :meth:`resample` """ return Signal( acoustics.signal.decimate(x=self, q=factor, n=order, ftype=ftype, zero_phase=zero_phase), self.fs / factor)
[docs] def resample(self, nsamples, times=None, axis=-1, window=None): """Resample signal. :param samples: New amount of samples. :param times: Times corresponding to samples. :param axis: Axis. :param window: Window. .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.signal.resample` .. seealso:: :meth:`decimate` You might want to low-pass filter this signal before resampling. """ return Signal(resample(self, nsamples, times, axis, window), nsamples / self.samples * self.fs)
[docs] def upsample(self, factor, axis=-1): """Upsample signal with integer factor. :param factor: Upsample factor. :param axis: Axis. .. seealso:: :meth:`resample` """ return self.resample(int(self.samples * factor), axis=axis)
[docs] def gain(self, decibel, inplace=False): """Apply gain of `decibel` decibels. :param decibel: Decibels :param inplace: In place :returns: Amplified signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` """ factor = 10.0**(decibel / 20.0) if inplace: self *= factor return self else: return self * factor
[docs] def pick(self, start=0.0, stop=None): """Get signal from start time to stop time. :param start: Start time. :type start: float :param stop: End time. :type stop: float :returns: Selected part of the signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` """ if start is not None: start = int(np.floor(start * self.fs)) if stop is not None: stop = int(np.floor(stop * self.fs)) return self[..., start:stop]
[docs] def times(self): """Time vector. :returns: A vector with a timestamp for each sample. :rtype: :class:`np.ndarray` """ return np.arange(0, self.samples) / self.fs
[docs] def energy(self): """Signal energy. :returns: Total energy per channel. :rtype: :class:`np.ndarray` .. math:: E = \\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} |x_n|^2 """ return float((self * self).sum())
[docs] def power(self): """Signal power. .. math:: P = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} |x_n|^2 """ return / len(self)
[docs] def ms(self): """Mean value squared of signal. .. seealso:: :func:`` """ return
[docs] def rms(self): """Root mean squared of signal. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.rms` """ return acoustics.signal.rms(self)
#return np.sqrt(self.power())
[docs] def weigh(self, weighting='A', zero_phase=False): """Apply frequency-weighting. By default 'A'-weighting is applied. :param weighting: Frequency-weighting filter to apply. Valid options are 'A', 'C' and 'Z'. Default weighting is 'A'. :returns: Weighted signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal`. By default the weighting filter is applied using :func:`scipy.signal.lfilter` causing a frequency-dependent delay. In case a delay is undesired, the filter can applied using :func:`scipy.signal.filtfilt` by settings `zero_phase=True`. """ num, den = WEIGHTING_SYSTEMS[weighting]() b, a = bilinear(num, den, self.fs) if zero_phase: return self._construct(filtfilt(b, a, self)) else: return self._construct(lfilter(b, a, self))
[docs] def correlate(self, other=None, mode='full'): """Correlate signal with `other` signal. In case `other==None` this method returns the autocorrelation. :param other: Other signal. :param mode: Mode. .. seealso:: :func:`np.correlate`, :func:`scipy.signal.fftconvolve` """ if other is None: other = self if self.fs != other.fs: raise ValueError("Cannot correlate. Sample frequencies are not the same.") if self.channels > 1 or other.channels > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot correlate. Not supported for multichannel signals.") return self._construct(fftconvolve(self, other[::-1], mode=mode))
[docs] def amplitude_envelope(self): """Amplitude envelope. :returns: Amplitude envelope of signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.amplitude_envelope` """ return self._construct(acoustics.signal.amplitude_envelope(self, self.fs))
[docs] def instantaneous_frequency(self): """Instantaneous frequency. :returns: Instantaneous frequency of signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.instantaneous_frequency` """ return self._construct(acoustics.signal.instantaneous_frequency(self, self.fs))
[docs] def instantaneous_phase(self): """Instantaneous phase. :returns: Instantaneous phase of signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.instantaneous_phase` """ return self._construct(acoustics.signal.instantaneous_phase(self, self.fs))
[docs] def detrend(self, **kwargs): """Detrend signal. :returns: Detrended version of signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.signal.detrend` """ return self._construct(detrend(self, **kwargs))
[docs] def unwrap(self): """Unwrap signal in case the signal represents wrapped phase. :returns: Unwrapped signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal` .. seealso:: :func:`np.unwrap` """ return self._construct(np.unwrap(self))
[docs] def complex_cepstrum(self, N=None): """Complex cepstrum. :param N: Amount of bins. :returns: Quefrency, complex cepstrum and delay in amount of samples. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.cepstrum.complex_cepstrum` """ if N is not None: times = np.linspace(0.0, self.duration, N, endpoint=False) else: times = self.times() cepstrum, ndelay = acoustics.cepstrum.complex_cepstrum(self, n=N) return times, cepstrum, ndelay
[docs] def real_cepstrum(self, N=None): """Real cepstrum. :param N: Amount of bins. :returns: Quefrency and real cepstrum. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.cepstrum.real_cepstrum` """ if N is not None: times = np.linspace(0.0, self.duration, N, endpoint=False) else: times = self.times() return times, acoustics.cepstrum.real_cepstrum(self, n=N)
[docs] def power_spectrum(self, N=None): """Power spectrum. :param N: Amount of bins. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.power_spectrum` """ return acoustics.signal.power_spectrum(self, self.fs, N=N)
[docs] def angle_spectrum(self, N=None): """Phase angle spectrum. Wrapped. :param N: amount of bins. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.angle_spectrum`, :func:`acoustics.signal.phase_spectrum` and :meth:`phase_spectrum`. """ return acoustics.signal.angle_spectrum(self, self.fs, N=N)
[docs] def phase_spectrum(self, N=None): """Phase spectrum. Unwrapped. :param N: Amount of bins. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.phase_spectrum`, :func:`acoustics.signal.angle_spectrum` and :meth:`angle_spectrum`. """ return acoustics.signal.phase_spectrum(self, self.fs, N=N)
[docs] def peak(self, axis=-1): """Peak sound pressure. :param axis: Axis. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustic.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.peak_sound_pressure` """ return acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.peak_sound_pressure(self, axis=axis)
[docs] def peak_level(self, axis=-1): """Peak sound pressure level. :param axis: Axis. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.peak_sound_pressure_level` """ return acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.peak_sound_pressure_level(self, axis=axis)
[docs] def min(self, axis=-1): """Return the minimum along a given axis. Refer to `np.amin` for full documentation. """ return np.ndarray.min(self, axis=axis)
[docs] def max(self, axis=-1): """Return the minimum along a given axis. Refer to `np.amax` for full documentation. """ return np.ndarray.max(self, axis=axis)
[docs] def max_level(self, axis=-1): """Maximum sound pressure level. :param axis: Axis. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.max_sound_pressure_level` """ return acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.max_sound_pressure_level(self, axis=axis)
[docs] def sound_exposure(self, axis=-1): """Sound exposure. :param axis: Axis. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.sound_exposure` """ return acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.sound_exposure(self, self.fs, axis=axis)
[docs] def sound_exposure_level(self, axis=-1): """Sound exposure level. :param axis: Axis. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.sound_exposure_level` """ return acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.sound_exposure_level(self, self.fs, axis=axis)
[docs] def plot_complex_cepstrum(self, N=None, **kwargs): """Plot complex cepstrum of signal. Valid kwargs: * xscale * yscale * xlim * ylim * frequency: Boolean indicating whether the x-axis should show time in seconds or quefrency * xlabel_frequency: Label in case frequency is shown. """ params = { 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': "$t$ in s", 'ylabel': "$C$", 'title': 'Complex cepstrum', 'frequency': False, 'xlabel_frequency': "$f$ in Hz", } params.update(kwargs) t, ceps, _ = self.complex_cepstrum(N=N) if params['frequency']: t = 1. / t params['xlabel'] = params['xlabel_frequency'] t = t[::-1] ceps = ceps[::-1] return _base_plot(t, ceps, params)
[docs] def plot_real_cepstrum(self, N=None, **kwargs): """Plot real cepstrum of signal. Valid kwargs: * xscale * yscale * xlim * ylim * frequency: Boolean indicating whether the x-axis should show time in seconds or quefrency * xlabel_frequency: Label in case frequency is shown. """ params = { 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': "$t$ in s", 'ylabel': "$C$", 'title': 'Real cepstrum', 'frequency': False, 'xlabel_frequency': "$f$ in Hz", } params.update(kwargs) t, ceps = self.real_cepstrum(N=N) if params['frequency']: t = 1. / t params['xlabel'] = params['xlabel_frequency'] t = t[::-1] ceps = ceps[::-1] return _base_plot(t, ceps, params)
[docs] def plot_power_spectrum(self, N=None, **kwargs): #filename=None, scale='log'): """Plot spectrum of signal. Valid kwargs: * xscale * yscale * xlim * ylim * reference: Reference power .. seealso:: :meth:`power_spectrum` """ params = { 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': "$f$ in Hz", 'ylabel': "$L_{p}$ in dB", 'title': 'SPL', 'reference': REFERENCE_PRESSURE**2.0, } params.update(kwargs) f, o = self.power_spectrum(N=N) return _base_plot(f, 10.0 * np.log10(o / params['reference']), params)
[docs] def plot_angle_spectrum(self, N=None, **kwargs): """Plot phase angle spectrum of signal. Wrapped. Valid kwargs: * xscale * yscale * xlim * ylim * reference: Reference power """ params = { 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': "$f$ in Hz", 'ylabel': r"$\angle \phi$", 'title': 'Phase response (wrapped)', } params.update(kwargs) f, o = self.angle_spectrum(N=N) return _base_plot(f, o, params)
[docs] def plot_phase_spectrum(self, N=None, **kwargs): """Plot phase spectrum of signal. Unwrapped. Valid kwargs: * xscale * yscale * xlim * ylim * reference: Reference power """ params = { 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': "$f$ in Hz", 'ylabel': r"$\angle \phi$", 'title': 'Phase response (unwrapped)', } params.update(kwargs) f, o = self.phase_spectrum(N=N) return _base_plot(f, o, params)
[docs] def spectrogram(self, **kwargs): """Spectrogram of signal. :returns: Spectrogram. See :func:`scipy.signal.spectrogram`. Some of the default values have been changed. The generated spectrogram consists by default of complex values. """ params = { 'nfft': 4096, 'noverlap': 128, 'mode': 'complex', } params.update(kwargs) t, s, P = spectrogram(self, fs=self.fs, **params) return t, s, P
[docs] def plot_spectrogram(self, **kwargs): """ Plot spectrogram of the signal. Valid kwargs: * xlim * ylim * clim .. note:: This method only works for a single channel. """ # To do, use :meth:`spectrogram`. params = { 'xlim': None, 'ylim': None, 'clim': None, 'NFFT': 4096, 'noverlap': 128, 'title': 'Spectrogram', 'xlabel': '$t$ in s', 'ylabel': '$f$ in Hz', 'clabel': 'SPL in dB', 'colorbar': True, } params.update(kwargs) if self.channels > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot plot spectrogram of multichannel signal. Please select a single channel.") # Check if an axes object is passed in. Otherwise, create one. ax0 = params.get('ax', plt.figure().add_subplot(111)) ax0.set_title(params['title']) data = np.squeeze(self) try: _, _, _, im = ax0.specgram(data, Fs=self.fs, noverlap=params['noverlap'], NFFT=params['NFFT'], mode='magnitude', scale_by_freq=False) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError( "Your version of matplotlib is incompatible due to lack of support of the mode keyword argument to matplotlib.mlab.specgram." ) if params['colorbar']: cb = ax0.get_figure().colorbar(mappable=im) cb.set_label(params['clabel']) ax0.set_xlim(params['xlim']) ax0.set_ylim(params['ylim']) im.set_clim(params['clim']) ax0.set_xlabel(params['xlabel']) ax0.set_ylabel(params['ylabel']) return ax0
[docs] def levels(self, time=0.125, method='average'): """Calculate sound pressure level as function of time. :param time: Averaging time or integration time constant. Default value is 0.125 corresponding to FAST. :param method: Use time `average` or time `weighting`. Default option is `average`. :returns: sound pressure level as function of time. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013.time_averaged_sound_level` .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013.time_weighted_sound_level` """ if method == 'average': return acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013.time_averaged_sound_level(self.values, self.fs, time) elif method == 'weighting': return acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013.time_weighted_sound_level(self.values, self.fs, time) else: raise ValueError("Invalid method")
[docs] def leq(self): """Equivalent level. Single-value number. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.equivalent_sound_pressure_level` """ return acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007.equivalent_sound_pressure_level(self.values)
[docs] def plot_levels(self, **kwargs): """Plot sound pressure level as function of time. .. seealso:: :meth:`levels` """ params = { 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': '$t$ in s', 'ylabel': '$L_{p,F}$ in dB', 'title': 'SPL', 'time': 0.125, 'method': 'average', 'labels': None, } params.update(kwargs) t, L = self.levels(params['time'], params['method']) L_masked =, L) return _base_plot(t, L_masked, params)
#def octave(self, frequency, fraction=1): #"""Determine fractional-octave `fraction` at `frequency`. #.. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.fractional_octaves` #""" #return acoustics.signal.fractional_octaves(self, self.fs, frequency, #frequency, fraction, False)[1]
[docs] def bandpass(self, lowcut, highcut, order=8, zero_phase=False): """Filter signal with band-pass filter. :param lowcut: Lower cornerfrequency. :param highcut: Upper cornerfrequency. :param order: Filter order. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Band-pass filtered signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal`. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.bandpass` """ return type(self)(acoustics.signal.bandpass(self, lowcut, highcut, self.fs, order=order, zero_phase=zero_phase), self.fs)
[docs] def bandstop(self, lowcut, highcut, order=8, zero_phase=False): """Filter signal with band-stop filter. :param lowcut: Lower cornerfrequency. :param highcut: Upper cornerfrequency. :param order: Filter order. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Band-pass filtered signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal`. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.bandstop` """ return type(self)(acoustics.signal.bandstop(self, lowcut, highcut, self.fs, order=order, zero_phase=zero_phase), self.fs)
[docs] def highpass(self, cutoff, order=4, zero_phase=False): """Filter signal with high-pass filter. :param cutoff: Cornerfrequency. :param order: Filter order. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: High-pass filtered signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal`. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.highpass` """ return type(self)(acoustics.signal.highpass(self, cutoff, self.fs, order=order, zero_phase=zero_phase), self.fs)
[docs] def lowpass(self, cutoff, order=4, zero_phase=False): """Filter signal with low-pass filter. :param cutoff: Cornerfrequency. :param order: Filter order. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Low-pass filtered signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal`. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.lowpass` """ return type(self)(acoustics.signal.lowpass(self, cutoff, self.fs, order=order, zero_phase=zero_phase), self.fs)
[docs] def octavepass(self, center, fraction, order=8, zero_phase=False): """Filter signal with fractional-octave band-pass filter. :param center: Center frequency. Any value in the band will suffice. :param fraction: Band designator. :param order: Filter order. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Band-pass filtered signal. :rtype: :class:`Signal`. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.octavepass` """ return type(self)(acoustics.signal.octavepass(self, center, self.fs, fraction=fraction, order=order, zero_phase=zero_phase), self.fs)
[docs] def bandpass_frequencies(self, frequencies, order=8, purge=True, zero_phase=False): """Apply bandpass filters for frequencies. :param frequencies: Band-pass filter frequencies. :type frequencies: Instance of :class:`acoustics.signal.Frequencies` :param order: Filter order. :param purge: Discard bands of which the upper corner frequency is above the Nyquist frequency. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Frequencies and band-pass filtered signal. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.bandpass_frequencies` """ frequencies, filtered = acoustics.signal.bandpass_frequencies(self, self.fs, frequencies, order, purge, zero_phase=zero_phase) return frequencies, type(self)(filtered, self.fs)
[docs] def octaves(self, frequencies=NOMINAL_OCTAVE_CENTER_FREQUENCIES, order=8, purge=True, zero_phase=False): """Apply 1/1-octaves bandpass filters. :param frequencies: Band-pass filter frequencies. :type frequencies: :class:`np.ndarray` with (approximate) center-frequencies or an instance of :class:`acoustics.signal.Frequencies` :param order: Filter order. :param purge: Discard bands of which the upper corner frequency is above the Nyquist frequency. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Frequencies and band-pass filtered signal. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.bandpass_octaves` """ frequencies, octaves = acoustics.signal.bandpass_octaves(self, self.fs, frequencies, order, purge, zero_phase=zero_phase) return frequencies, type(self)(octaves, self.fs)
[docs] def third_octaves(self, frequencies=NOMINAL_THIRD_OCTAVE_CENTER_FREQUENCIES, order=8, purge=True, zero_phase=False): """Apply 1/3-octaves bandpass filters. :param frequencies: Band-pass filter frequencies. :type frequencies: :class:`np.ndarray` with (approximate) center-frequencies or an instance of :class:`acoustics.signal.Frequencies` :param order: Filter order. :param purge: Discard bands of which the upper corner frequency is above the Nyquist frequency. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Frequencies and band-pass filtered signal. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.bandpass_third_octaves` """ frequencies, octaves = acoustics.signal.bandpass_third_octaves(self, self.fs, frequencies, order, purge, zero_phase=zero_phase) return frequencies, type(self)(octaves, self.fs)
[docs] def fractional_octaves(self, frequencies=None, fraction=1, order=8, purge=True, zero_phase=False): """Apply 1/N-octaves bandpass filters. :param frequencies: Band-pass filter frequencies. :type frequencies: Instance of :class:`acoustics.signal.Frequencies` :param fraction: Default band-designator of fractional-octaves. :param order: Filter order. :param purge: Discard bands of which the upper corner frequency is above the Nyquist frequency. :param zero_phase: Prevent phase error by filtering in both directions (filtfilt). :returns: Frequencies and band-pass filtered signal. .. seealso:: :func:`acoustics.signal.bandpass_fractional_octaves` """ if frequencies is None: frequencies = acoustics.signal.OctaveBand(fstart=NOMINAL_THIRD_OCTAVE_CENTER_FREQUENCIES[0], fstop=self.fs / 2.0, fraction=fraction) frequencies, octaves = acoustics.signal.bandpass_fractional_octaves(self, self.fs, frequencies, fraction, order, purge, zero_phase=zero_phase) return frequencies, type(self)(octaves, self.fs)
[docs] def plot_octaves(self, **kwargs): """Plot octaves. .. seealso:: :meth:`octaves` """ params = { 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': '$f$ in Hz', 'ylabel': '$L_{p}$ in dB', 'title': '1/1-Octaves SPL', } params.update(kwargs) f, o = self.octaves() print(len(, len(o.leq())) return _base_plot(, o.leq().T, params)
[docs] def plot_third_octaves(self, **kwargs): """Plot 1/3-octaves. .. seealso:: :meth:`third_octaves` """ params = { 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': '$f$ in Hz', 'ylabel': '$L_{p}$ in dB', 'title': '1/3-Octaves SPL', } params.update(kwargs) f, o = self.third_octaves() return _base_plot(, o.leq().T, params)
[docs] def plot_fractional_octaves(self, frequencies=None, fraction=1, order=8, purge=True, zero_phase=False, **kwargs): """Plot fractional octaves. """ title = '1/{}-Octaves SPL'.format(fraction) params = { 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': '$f$ in Hz', 'ylabel': '$L_p$ in dB', 'title': title, } params.update(kwargs) f, o = self.fractional_octaves(frequencies=frequencies, fraction=fraction, order=order, purge=purge, zero_phase=zero_phase) return _base_plot(, o.leq().T, params)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot signal as function of time. By default the entire signal is plotted. :param filename: Name of file. :param start: First sample index. :type start: Start time in seconds from start of signal. :param stop: Last sample index. :type stop: Stop time in seconds. from stop of signal. """ params = { 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlabel': '$t$ in s', 'ylabel': '$x$ in -', 'title': 'Signal', } params.update(kwargs) return _base_plot(self.times(), self, params)
#def plot_scalo(self, filename=None): #""" #Plot scalogram #""" #from scipy.signal import ricker, cwt #wavelet = ricker #widths = np.logspace(-1, 3.5, 10) #x = cwt(self, wavelet, widths) #interpolation = 'nearest' #from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, AutoLocator, MaxNLocator #majorLocator = LinearLocator() #majorLocator = MaxNLocator() #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.set_title('Scaleogram') ##ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, x.shape[1])*self.fs) ##ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ##ax.imshow(10.0 * np.log10(x**2.0), interpolation=interpolation, aspect='auto', origin='lower')#, extent=[0, 1, 0, len(x)]) #ax.pcolormesh(np.arange(0.0, x.shape[1])/self.fs, widths, 10.0*np.log(x**2.0)) #if filename: #fig.savefig(filename) #else: #return fig #def plot_scaleogram(self, filename): #""" #Plot scaleogram #""" #import pywt #wavelet = 'dmey' #level = pywt.dwt_max_level(len(self), pywt.Wavelet(wavelet)) #print level #level = 20 #order = 'freq' #interpolation = 'nearest' #wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(self, wavelet, 'sym', maxlevel=level) #nodes = wp.get_level(level, order=order) #labels = [n.path for n in nodes] #values = np.abs(np.array([ for n in nodes], 'd')) #fig = plt.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.set_title('Scaleogram') #ax.imshow(values, interpolation=interpolation, aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=[0, 1, 0, len(values)]) ##ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(labels) + 0.5)) ##ax.set_yticklabels(labels) #fig.savefig(filename)
[docs] def normalize(self, gap=6.0, inplace=False): """Normalize signal. :param gap: Gap between maximum value and ceiling in decibel. :param inplace: Normalize signal in place. The parameter `gap` can be understood as using `gap` decibels fewer for the dynamic range. By default a 6 decibel gap is used. """ factor = (self.max() * 10.0**(gap / 20.0)) if inplace: self /= factor return self else: return self / factor
[docs] def to_wav(self, filename, depth=16): """Save signal as WAV file. :param filename: Name of file to save to. :param depth: If given, convert to integer with specified depth. Else, try to store using the original data type. By default, this function saves a normalized 16-bit version of the signal with at least 6 dB range till clipping occurs. """ data = self dtype = data.dtype if not depth else 'int' + str(depth) if depth: data = (data * 2**(depth - 1) - 1).astype(dtype) wavfile.write(filename, int(self.fs), data.T)
#wavfile.write(filename, int(self.fs), self._data/np.abs(self._data).max() * 0.5) #wavfile.write(filename, int(self.fs), np.int16(self._data/(np.abs(self._data).max()) * 32767) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_wav(cls, filename): """ Create an instance of `Signal` from a WAV file. :param filename: Filename """ fs, data = data = data.astype(np.float32, copy=False).T data /= np.max(np.abs(data)) return cls(data, fs=fs)
_PLOTTING_PARAMS = { 'title': None, 'xlabel': None, 'ylabel': None, 'xscale': 'linear', 'yscale': 'linear', 'xlim': (None, None), 'ylim': (None, None), 'labels': None, 'linestyles': ['-', '-.', '--', ':'], } def _get_plotting_params(): d = dict() d.update(_PLOTTING_PARAMS) return d def _base_plot(x, y, given_params): """Common function for creating plots. :returns: Axes object. :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.Axes` """ params = _get_plotting_params() params.update(given_params) linestyles = itertools.cycle(iter(params['linestyles'])) # Check if an axes object is passed in. Otherwise, create one. ax0 = params.get('ax', plt.figure().add_subplot(111)) ax0.set_title(params['title']) if y.ndim > 1: for channel in y: ax0.plot(x, channel, linestyle=next(linestyles)) else: ax0.plot(x, y) ax0.set_xlabel(params['xlabel']) ax0.set_ylabel(params['ylabel']) ax0.set_xscale(params['xscale']) ax0.set_yscale(params['yscale']) ax0.set_xlim(params['xlim']) ax0.set_ylim(params['ylim']) if params['labels'] is None and y.ndim > 1: params['labels'] = np.arange(y.shape[-2]) + 1 if params['labels'] is not None: ax0.legend(labels=params['labels']) return ax0 __all__ = ["Signal"]