Source code for acoustics.quantity

Quantities and units

The Quantity module provides two classes to work with quantities and units.

.. inheritance-diagram:: acoustics.quantity


from acoustics.standards.iso_tr_25417_2007 import REFERENCE_PRESSURE

quantities = {
    'pressure': ('Pressure', 'pascal', True, 'p', '$p$', REFERENCE_PRESSURE),
Dictionary with quantities. Each quantity is stored as a tuple.

units = {
    'meter': ('meter', 'm', '$m$'),
    'pascal': ('pascal', 'Pa', '$Pa$'),
Dictionary with units. Each unit is stored as a tuple.

[docs]class Unit: """ Unit of quantity. .. note:: Perhaps inherit from tuple or :class:`collections.namedTuple`? """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, symbol, symbol_latex): = name """ Name of the unit. """ self.symbol = symbol """ Symbol of the unit. """ self.symbol_latex = symbol_latex """ Symbol of the unit in LaTeX. """
def __repr__(self): return "Unit({})".format( def __str__(self): return
[docs]class Quantity: """ Quantity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, unit, dynamic, symbol=None, symbol_latex=None, reference=1.0): = name """ Name of the quantity. """ self.symbol = symbol """ Symbol of the quantity. """ self.symbol_latex = symbol_latex """ Symbol of the unit in LaTeX. """ self.unit = unit """ Unit. See :class:`Unit`. """ self.dynamic = dynamic """ Dynamic quantity (`True`) or energetic (`False`). """ self.reference = reference """ Reference value of the quantity. """
def __repr__(self): return "Quantity({})".format( def __str__(self): return @property def energetic(self): """ Energetic quantity (`True`) or dynamic (`False`). """ return not self.dynamic
[docs]def get_quantity(name): """ Get quantity by name. Returns instance of :class:`Quantity`. :param name: Name of the quantity. """ try: q = list(quantities[name]) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown quantity. Quantity is not yet specified.") try: u = units[name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Unknown unit. Quantity has been specified but unit has not.") q[1] = Unit(*units[name]) return Quantity(*q)