Source code for acoustics.reflection


The reflection module contains functions for calculating reflection factors and impedances.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import erfc  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

r"""Specific heat ratio of air :math:`\gamma`."""
r"""Rate of exponential decrease of porosity with depth :math:`\alpha`."""
"""Speed of sound in air :math:`c`."""
DENSITY = 1.296
r"""Density of air :math:`\rho`."""

[docs]class Boundary: """ An object describing a boundary. """
[docs] def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes self, frequency, flow_resistivity, density=DENSITY, soundspeed=SOUNDSPEED, porosity_decrease=POROSITY_DECREASE, specific_heat_ratio=SPECIFIC_HEAT_RATIO, angle=None, distance=None, impedance_model='db', reflection_model='plane', ): self.frequency = frequency """ Frequency. Single value or vector for a frequency range. """ self.flow_resistivity = flow_resistivity r""" Flow resistivity :math:`\sigma`. """ self.density = density r""" Density of air :math:`\rho`. .. note:: This value is only required for when calculating the impedance according to Attenborough's model. See :func:`impedance_attenborough`. """ self.soundspeed = soundspeed """ Speed of sound in air :math:`c`. .. note:: This value is required when calculating the impedance according to Attenborough's model or when calculating the spherical wave reflection factor. See respectively :func:`impedance_attenborough` and :func:`reflection_factor_spherical_wave`. """ self.porosity_decrease = porosity_decrease r""" Rate of exponential decrease of porosity with depth :math:`\alpha`. .. note:: This value is only required for when calculating the impedance according to Attenborough's model. See :func:`impedance_attenborough`. """ self.specific_heat_ratio = specific_heat_ratio r""" Ratio of specific heats :math:`\gamma` for air. .. note:: This value is only required for when calculating the impedance according to Attenborough's model. See :func:`impedance_attenborough`. """ self.angle = angle r""" Angle of incidence :math:`\theta`. """ self.distance = distance """ Path length of the reflected ray :math:`r`. .. note:: This value is only required for when calculating the spherical wave reflection factor. See :func:`reflection_factor_spherical_wave`. """ self.impedance_model = impedance_model """ Impedance model. Possibilities are ``'db'`` and ``'att'`` for respectively :func:`impedance_delany_and_bazley` and :func:`impedance_attenborough`. """ self.reflection_model = reflection_model """ Reflection factor model. Possibilities are ``'plane'`` and ``'spherical'``` for respectively :func:`reflection_factor_plane_wave` and :func:`reflection_factor_spherical_wave`. """
@property def wavenumber(self): r""" Wavenumber :math:`k`. .. math:: k = \frac{2 \pi f}{c} """ return 2.0 * np.pi * self.frequency / self.soundspeed @property def impedance(self): """ Impedance according to chosen impedance model defined using :meth:`impedance_model`. """ if self.impedance_model == 'db': return impedance_delany_and_bazley(self.frequency, self.flow_resistivity) if self.impedance_model == 'att': return impedance_attenborough( self.frequency, self.flow_resistivity, self.density, self.soundspeed, self.porosity_decrease, self.specific_heat_ratio, ) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect impedance model.") @property def reflection_factor(self): """ Reflection factor according to chosen reflection factor model defined using :meth:`reflection_model`. """ if self.angle is None: raise AttributeError('Cannot calculate reflection factor. self.angle has not been specified.') if self.reflection_model == 'plane': return reflection_factor_plane_wave(*np.meshgrid(self.impedance, self.angle)) elif self.reflection_model == 'spherical': if self.distance is None: raise AttributeError('Cannot calculate reflection factor. self.distance has not been specified.') else: return reflection_factor_spherical_wave( *np.meshgrid(self.impedance, self.angle), distance=self.distance, wavenumber=self.wavenumber, ) else: raise RuntimeError("Oops...")
[docs] def plot_impedance(self, filename=None): """ Plot magnitude and phase of the impedance as function of frequency. """ fig = plt.figure() ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax0.set_title('Magnitude of impedance') ax0.semilogx(self.frequency, np.abs(self.impedance)) ax0.set_xlabel(r'$f$ in Hz') ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\left|Z\right|$') ax0.grid() ax0 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax0.set_title('Angle of impedance') ax0.semilogx(self.frequency, np.angle(self.impedance)) ax0.set_xlabel(r'$f$ in Hz') ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\angle Z$') ax0.grid() plt.tight_layout() if filename: fig.savefig(filename, transparant=True) return fig
[docs] def plot_reflection_factor(self, filename=None): """ Plot reflection factor. """ if self.frequency is None: raise ValueError("No frequency specified.") if self.angle is None: raise ValueError("No angle specified.") try: n_f = len(self.frequency) except TypeError: n_f = 1 try: n_a = len(self.angle) except TypeError: n_a = 1 if n_f == 1 and n_a == 1: raise ValueError("Either frequency or angle needs to be a vector.") elif n_f == 1 or n_a == 1: if n_f == 1 and n_a > 1: # Show R as function of angle for a single frequency. xlabel = r"$\theta$ in degrees" elif n_f > 1 and n_a == 1: # Show R as function of frequency for a single angle. xlabel = r"$f$ in Hz" R = self.reflection_factor fig = plt.figure() ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax0.set_title("Magnitude of reflection factor") ax0.semilogx(self.frequency, np.abs(R)) ax0.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\left|R\right|$') ax0.grid() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax1.set_title("Phase of reflection factor") ax1.semilogx(self.frequency, np.angle(R)) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\angle R$') ax1.grid() elif n_f > 1 and n_a > 1: # Show 3D or pcolor R = self.reflection_factor fig = plt.figure() #grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.1, cbar_mode='each', cbar_location='right') ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) #ax0 = grid[0] ax0.set_title("Magnitude of reflection factor") ax0.pcolormesh(self.frequency, self.angle * 180.0 / np.pi, np.abs(R)) #ax0.pcolor(self.angle, self.frequency, np.abs(R)) #ax0.set_xlabel(xlabel) #ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\left|R\right|$') ax0.grid() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212) #ax1 = grid[1] ax1.set_title("Phase of reflection factor") ax1.pcolormesh(self.frequency, self.angle * 180.0 / np.pi, np.angle(R)) #ax1.pcolor(self.angle, self.frequency, np.angle(R)) #ax0.set_xlabel(xlabel) #ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\angle R$') ax1.grid() else: raise RuntimeError("Oops...") #plt.tight_layout() if filename: fig.savefig(filename, transparant=True) else: return fig
[docs]def reflection_factor_plane_wave(impedance, angle): r""" Plane wave reflection factor :math:`R`. :param impedance: Normalized impedance :math:`Z`. :param angle: Angle of incidence :math:`\theta`. The plane wave reflection factor :math:`R` is given by .. math:: R = \frac{Z\cos{\theta}-1}{Z\cos{\theta}+1} where :math:`Z` is the normalized impedance and :math:`\theta` the angle of incidence. """ return (impedance * np.cos(angle) - 1.0) / (impedance * np.cos(angle) + 1.0)
[docs]def numerical_distance(impedance, angle, distance, wavenumber): r""" Numerical distance :math:`w`. :param impedance: Normalized impedance :math:`Z`. :param angle: Angle of incidence :math:`\theta`. :param distance: Path length of the reflected ray :math:`r`. :param wavenumber: Wavenumber :math:`k`. The numerical distance :math:`w` is given by .. math:: w = \sqrt{-j k r \left( 1 + \frac{1}{Z} \cos{\theta} - \sqrt{1 - \left( \frac{1}{Z} \right)^2} \sin{\theta} \right) } """ return np.sqrt(-1j * wavenumber * distance * (1.0 + 1.0 / impedance * np.cos(angle) - np.sqrt(1.0 - (1.0 / impedance)**2.0) * np.sin(angle)))
[docs]def reflection_factor_spherical_wave(impedance, angle, distance, wavenumber): r""" Spherical wave reflection factor :math:`Q`. :param impedance: Normalized impedance :math:`Z`. :param angle: Angle of incidence :math:`\theta`. :param distance: Path length of the reflected ray :math:`r`. :param wavenumber: Wavenumber :math:`k`. The spherical wave relfection factor :math:`Q` is given by .. math:: Q = R \left(1 - R \right) F where :math:`R` is the plane wave reflection factor as calculated in :func:`reflection_factor_plane_wave` and :math:`F` is given by .. math:: F = 1 - j \sqrt{ \pi} w e^{-w^2} \mathrm{erfc} \left( j w \right) where :math:`w` is the numerical distance as calculated in :func:`numerical_distance`. """ w = numerical_distance(impedance, angle, distance, wavenumber) F = 1.0 - 1j * np.sqrt(np.pi) * w * np.exp(-w**2.0) * erfc(1j * w) plane_factor = reflection_factor_plane_wave(impedance, angle) return plane_factor * (1.0 - plane_factor) * F
[docs]def impedance_delany_and_bazley(frequency, flow_resistivity): r""" Normalised specific acoustic impedance according to the empirical one-parameter model by Delany and Bazley. :param frequency: Frequency :math:`f`. :param flow_resistivity: Flow resistivity :math:`\sigma`. The impedance :math:`Z` is given by .. math:: Z = 1 + 9.08 \left( \frac{1000f}{\sigma}\right)^{-0.75} - 11.9 j \left( \frac{1000f}{\sigma}\right)^{-0.73} """ return 1.0 + 9.08 * (1000.0 * frequency / flow_resistivity)**(-0.75) - 1j * 11.9 * ( 1000.0 * frequency / flow_resistivity)**(-0.73)
[docs]def impedance_attenborough( frequency, flow_resistivity, density=DENSITY, soundspeed=SOUNDSPEED, porosity_decrease=POROSITY_DECREASE, specific_heat_ratio=SPECIFIC_HEAT_RATIO, ): r""" Normalised specific acoustics impedance according to the two-parameter model by Attenborough. :param frequency: Frequency :math:`f`. :param flow_resistivity: Flow resistivity :math:`\sigma`. :param soundspeed: Speed of sound in air :math:`c`. :param density: Density of air :math:`\rho`. :param porosity_decrease: Rate of exponential decrease of porosity with depth :math:`\alpha`. :param specific_heat_ratio: Ratio of specific heats :math:`\gamma` for air. The impedance :math:`Z` is given by .. math:: Z = \frac{\left( 1-j\right) \sqrt{\sigma/f}}{\sqrt{\pi \gamma_0 \rho_0}} - \frac{jc\alpha}{8 \pi \gamma_0 f} """ return (1.0 - 1j) * np.sqrt(flow_resistivity / frequency) / np.sqrt( np.pi * specific_heat_ratio * density) - 1j * soundspeed * porosity_decrease / ( 8.0 * np.pi * specific_heat_ratio * frequency)