

acoustics.criterion.NC_CURVES = {15: array([47., 36., 29., 22., 17., 14., 12., 11.]), 20: array([51., 40., 33., 26., 22., 19., 17., 16.]), 25: array([54., 44., 37., 31., 27., 24., 22., 21.]), 30: array([57., 48., 41., 35., 31., 29., 28., 27.]), 35: array([60., 52., 45., 40., 36., 34., 33., 32.]), 40: array([64., 56., 50., 45., 41., 39., 38., 37.]), 45: array([67., 60., 54., 49., 46., 44., 43., 42.]), 50: array([71., 64., 58., 54., 51., 49., 48., 47.]), 55: array([74., 67., 62., 58., 56., 54., 53., 52.]), 60: array([77., 71., 67., 63., 61., 59., 58., 57.]), 65: array([80., 75., 71., 68., 66., 64., 63., 62.]), 70: array([83., 79., 75., 72., 71., 70., 69., 68.])}

NC curves.


Return an array containing the nc curve.


nc: int between 15 and 70 with step of 5. Valid values are: 15, 20, 25, …, 60, 65 and 70. Invalid values (e.g. 23) returns None.[source]

It returns the NC curve of levels. If levels is upper than NC-70 returns ‘70+’.


levels: 1-D NumPy array containing values between 63 Hz and 8 kHz in octave bands.