Source code for acoustics.atmosphere


The atmosphere module contains functions and classes related to atmospheric
acoustics and is based on :mod:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993`.

Atmosphere class

.. autoclass:: acoustics.atmosphere.Atmosphere

From ISO 9613-1 1993


.. autoattribute:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.SOUNDSPEED
.. autoattribute:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.REFERENCE_TEMPERATURE
.. autoattribute:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.REFERENCE_PRESSURE
.. autoattribute:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.TRIPLE_TEMPERATURE


.. autofunction:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.soundspeed
.. autofunction:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.saturation_pressure
.. autofunction:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.molar_concentration_water_vapour
.. autofunction:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.relaxation_frequency_nitrogen
.. autofunction:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.relaxation_frequency_oxygen
.. autofunction:: acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.attenuation_coefficient

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import acoustics
from acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993 import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import

[docs]class Atmosphere: """ Class describing atmospheric conditions. """ REF_TEMP = 293.15 """Reference temperature""" REF_PRESSURE = 101.325 """International Standard Atmosphere in kilopascal""" TRIPLE_TEMP = 273.16 """Triple point isotherm temperature."""
[docs] def __init__( self, temperature=REFERENCE_TEMPERATURE, pressure=REFERENCE_PRESSURE, relative_humidity=0.0, reference_temperature=REFERENCE_TEMPERATURE, reference_pressure=REFERENCE_PRESSURE, triple_temperature=TRIPLE_TEMPERATURE, ): """ :param temperature: Temperature in kelvin :param pressure: Pressure :param relative_humidity: Relative humidity :param reference_temperature: Reference temperature. :param reference_pressure: Reference pressure. :param triple_temperature: Triple temperature. """ self.temperature = temperature """Ambient temperature :math:`T`.""" self.pressure = pressure """Ambient pressure :math:`p_a`.""" self.relative_humidity = relative_humidity """Relative humidity""" self.reference_temperature = reference_temperature """ Reference temperature. """ self.reference_pressure = reference_pressure """ Reference pressure. """ self.triple_temperature = triple_temperature """ Triple temperature. """
def __repr__(self): return "Atmosphere{}".format(self.__str__()) def __str__(self): attributes = [ "temperature", "pressure", "relative_humidity", "reference_temperature", "reference_pressure", "triple_temperature", ] return "({})".format(", ".join(map(lambda attr: "{}={}".format(attr, getattr(self, attr)), attributes))) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ and self.__class__ == other.__class__ @property def soundspeed(self): """ Speed of sound :math:`c`. The speed of sound is calculated using :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.soundspeed`. """ return soundspeed( self.temperature, self.reference_temperature, ) @property def saturation_pressure(self): """ Saturation pressure :math:`p_{sat}`. The saturation pressure is calculated using :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.saturation_pressure`. """ return saturation_pressure( self.temperature, self.reference_pressure, self.triple_temperature, ) @property def molar_concentration_water_vapour(self): """ Molar concentration of water vapour :math:`h`. The molar concentration of water vapour is calculated using :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.molar_concentration_water_vapour`. """ return molar_concentration_water_vapour( self.relative_humidity, self.saturation_pressure, self.pressure, ) @property def relaxation_frequency_nitrogen(self): """ Resonance frequency of nitrogen :math:`f_{r,N}`. The resonance frequency is calculated using :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.relaxation_frequency_nitrogen`. """ return relaxation_frequency_nitrogen( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_concentration_water_vapour, self.reference_pressure, self.reference_temperature, ) @property def relaxation_frequency_oxygen(self): """ Resonance frequency of oxygen :math:`f_{r,O}`. The resonance frequency is calculated using :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.relaxation_frequency_oxygen`. """ return relaxation_frequency_oxygen( self.pressure, self.molar_concentration_water_vapour, self.reference_pressure, )
[docs] def attenuation_coefficient(self, frequency): """ Attenuation coefficient :math:`\\alpha` describing atmospheric absorption in dB/m as function of ``frequency``. :param frequency: Frequencies to be considered. The attenuation coefficient is calculated using :func:`acoustics.standards.iso_9613_1_1993.attenuation_coefficient`. """ return attenuation_coefficient( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.reference_pressure, self.reference_temperature, self.relaxation_frequency_nitrogen, self.relaxation_frequency_oxygen, frequency, )
[docs] def frequency_response(self, distance, frequencies, inverse=False): """Frequency response. :param distance: Distance between source and receiver. :param frequencies: Frequencies for which to compute the response. :param inverse: Whether the attenuation should be undone. """ return frequency_response( self, distance, frequencies, inverse, )
[docs] def impulse_response(self, distance, fs, ntaps=None, inverse=False): """Impulse response of sound travelling through `atmosphere` for a given `distance` sampled at `fs`. :param atmosphere: Atmosphere. :param distance: Distance between source and receiver. :param fs: Sample frequency :param ntaps: Amount of taps. :param inverse: Whether the attenuation should be undone. .. seealso:: :func:`impulse_response` """ return impulse_response( self, distance, fs, ntaps, inverse, )
[docs] def plot_attenuation_coefficient(self, frequency): """ Plot the attenuation coefficient :math:`\\alpha` as function of frequency and write the figure to ``filename``. :param filename: Filename :param frequency: Frequencies .. note:: The attenuation coefficient is plotted in dB/km! """ fig = plt.figure() ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax0.plot(frequency, self.attenuation_coefficient(frequency) * 1000.0) ax0.set_xscale('log') ax0.set_yscale('log') ax0.set_xlabel(r'$f$ in Hz') ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha$ in dB/km') ax0.legend() return fig
def frequency_response(atmosphere, distance, frequencies, inverse=False): """Single-sided frequency response. :param atmosphere: Atmosphere. :param distance: Distance between source and receiver. :param frequencies: Frequencies for which to compute the response. :param inverse: Whether the attenuation should be undone. """ sign = +1 if inverse else -1 tf = 10.0**(float(sign) * distance * atmosphere.attenuation_coefficient(frequencies) / 20.0) return tf def impulse_response(atmosphere, distance, fs, ntaps, inverse=False): """Impulse response of sound travelling through `atmosphere` for a given `distance` sampled at `fs`. :param atmosphere: Atmosphere. :param distance: Distance between source and receiver. :param fs: Sample frequency :param ntaps: Amount of taps. :param inverse: Whether the attenuation should be undone. The attenuation is calculated for a set of positive frequencies. Because the attenuation is the same for the negative frequencies, we have Hermitian symmetry. The attenuation is entirely real-valued. We like to have a constant group delay and therefore we need a linear-phase filter. This function creates a zero-phase filter, which is the special case of a linear-phase filter with zero phase slope. The type of filter is non-causal. The impulse response of the filter is made causal by rotating it by M/2 samples and discarding the imaginary parts. A real, even impulse response corresponds to a real, even frequency response. """ # Frequencies vector with positive frequencies only. frequencies = np.fft.rfftfreq(ntaps, 1. / fs) # Single-sided spectrum. Negative frequencies have the same values. tf = frequency_response(atmosphere, distance, frequencies, inverse) # Impulse response. We design a zero-phase filter (linear-phase with zero slope). # We need to shift the IR to make it even. Taking the real part should not be necessary, see above. #ir = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.irfft(tf, n=ntaps)).real ir = acoustics.signal.impulse_response_real_even(tf, ntaps=ntaps) return ir __all__ = [ 'Atmosphere', 'SOUNDSPEED', 'REFERENCE_TEMPERATURE', 'REFERENCE_TEMPERATURE', 'TRIPLE_TEMPERATURE', 'soundspeed', 'saturation_pressure', 'molar_concentration_water_vapour', 'relaxation_frequency_oxygen', 'relaxation_frequency_nitrogen', 'attenuation_coefficient', 'impulse_response', 'frequency_response' ]