import numpy as np
__all__ = ['complex_cepstrum', 'real_cepstrum', 'inverse_complex_cepstrum', 'minimum_phase']
[docs]def complex_cepstrum(x, n=None):
r"""Compute the complex cepstrum of a real sequence.
x : ndarray
Real sequence to compute complex cepstrum of.
n : {None, int}, optional
Length of the Fourier transform.
ceps : ndarray
The complex cepstrum of the real data sequence `x` computed using the
Fourier transform.
ndelay : int
The amount of samples of circular delay added to `x`.
The complex cepstrum is given by
.. math:: c[n] = F^{-1}\\left{\\log_{10}{\\left(F{x[n]}\\right)}\\right}
where :math:`x_[n]` is the input signal and :math:`F` and :math:`F_{-1}
are respectively the forward and backward Fourier transform.
See Also
real_cepstrum: Compute the real cepstrum.
inverse_complex_cepstrum: Compute the inverse complex cepstrum of a real sequence.
In the following example we use the cepstrum to determine the fundamental
frequency of a set of harmonics. There is a distinct peak at the quefrency
corresponding to the fundamental frequency. To be more precise, the peak
corresponds to the spacing between the harmonics.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.signal import complex_cepstrum
>>> duration = 5.0
>>> fs = 8000.0
>>> samples = int(fs*duration)
>>> t = np.arange(samples) / fs
>>> fundamental = 100.0
>>> harmonics = np.arange(1, 30) * fundamental
>>> signal = np.sin(2.0*np.pi*harmonics[:,None]*t).sum(axis=0)
>>> ceps, _ = complex_cepstrum(signal)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
>>> ax0.plot(t, signal)
>>> ax0.set_xlabel('time in seconds')
>>> ax0.set_xlim(0.0, 0.05)
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
>>> ax1.plot(t, ceps)
>>> ax1.set_xlabel('quefrency in seconds')
>>> ax1.set_xlim(0.005, 0.015)
>>> ax1.set_ylim(-5., +10.)
.. [1] Wikipedia, "Cepstrum".
.. [2] M.P. Norton and D.G. Karczub, D.G.,
"Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analysis for Engineers", 2003.
.. [3] B. P. Bogert, M. J. R. Healy, and J. W. Tukey:
"The Quefrency Analysis of Time Series for Echoes: Cepstrum, Pseudo
Autocovariance, Cross-Cepstrum and Saphe Cracking".
Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Series Analysis
Chapter 15, 209-243. New York: Wiley, 1963.
def _unwrap(phase):
samples = phase.shape[-1]
unwrapped = np.unwrap(phase)
center = (samples + 1) // 2
if samples == 1:
center = 0
ndelay = np.array(np.round(unwrapped[..., center] / np.pi))
unwrapped -= np.pi * ndelay[..., None] * np.arange(samples) / center
return unwrapped, ndelay
spectrum = np.fft.fft(x, n=n)
unwrapped_phase, ndelay = _unwrap(np.angle(spectrum))
log_spectrum = np.log(np.abs(spectrum)) + 1j * unwrapped_phase
ceps = np.fft.ifft(log_spectrum).real
return ceps, ndelay
[docs]def real_cepstrum(x, n=None):
r"""Compute the real cepstrum of a real sequence.
x : ndarray
Real sequence to compute real cepstrum of.
n : {None, int}, optional
Length of the Fourier transform.
ceps: ndarray
The real cepstrum.
The real cepstrum is given by
.. math:: c[n] = F^{-1}\left{\log_{10}{\left|F{x[n]}\right|}\right}
where :math:`x_[n]` is the input signal and :math:`F` and :math:`F_{-1}
are respectively the forward and backward Fourier transform. Note that
contrary to the complex cepstrum the magnitude is taken of the spectrum.
See Also
complex_cepstrum: Compute the complex cepstrum of a real sequence.
inverse_complex_cepstrum: Compute the inverse complex cepstrum of a real sequence.
>>> from scipy.signal import real_cepstrum
.. [1] Wikipedia, "Cepstrum".
spectrum = np.fft.fft(x, n=n)
ceps = np.fft.ifft(np.log(np.abs(spectrum))).real
return ceps
[docs]def inverse_complex_cepstrum(ceps, ndelay):
r"""Compute the inverse complex cepstrum of a real sequence.
ceps : ndarray
Real sequence to compute inverse complex cepstrum of.
ndelay: int
The amount of samples of circular delay added to `x`.
x : ndarray
The inverse complex cepstrum of the real sequence `ceps`.
The inverse complex cepstrum is given by
.. math:: x[n] = F^{-1}\left{\exp(F(c[n]))\right}
where :math:`c_[n]` is the input signal and :math:`F` and :math:`F_{-1}
are respectively the forward and backward Fourier transform.
See Also
complex_cepstrum: Compute the complex cepstrum of a real sequence.
real_cepstrum: Compute the real cepstrum of a real sequence.
Taking the complex cepstrum and then the inverse complex cepstrum results
in the original sequence.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.signal import inverse_complex_cepstrum
>>> x = np.arange(10)
>>> ceps, ndelay = complex_cepstrum(x)
>>> y = inverse_complex_cepstrum(ceps, ndelay)
>>> print(x)
>>> print(y)
.. [1] Wikipedia, "Cepstrum".
def _wrap(phase, ndelay):
ndelay = np.array(ndelay)
samples = phase.shape[-1]
center = (samples + 1) // 2
wrapped = phase + np.pi * ndelay[..., None] * np.arange(samples) / center
return wrapped
log_spectrum = np.fft.fft(ceps)
spectrum = np.exp(log_spectrum.real + 1j * _wrap(log_spectrum.imag, ndelay))
x = np.fft.ifft(spectrum).real
return x
[docs]def minimum_phase(x, n=None):
r"""Compute the minimum phase reconstruction of a real sequence.
x : ndarray
Real sequence to compute the minimum phase reconstruction of.
n : {None, int}, optional
Length of the Fourier transform.
Compute the minimum phase reconstruction of a real sequence using the
real cepstrum.
m : ndarray
The minimum phase reconstruction of the real sequence `x`.
See Also
real_cepstrum: Compute the real cepstrum.
>>> from scipy.signal import minimum_phase
.. [1] Soo-Chang Pei, Huei-Shan Lin. Minimum-Phase FIR Filter Design Using
if n is None:
n = len(x)
ceps = real_cepstrum(x, n=n)
odd = n % 2
window = np.concatenate(([1.0], 2.0 * np.ones((n + odd) / 2 - 1), np.ones(1 - odd), np.zeros((n + odd) / 2 - 1)))
m = np.fft.ifft(np.exp(np.fft.fft(window * ceps))).real
return m