The room acoustics module contains several functions to calculate the reverberation time in spaces.
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
from scipy import stats
from acoustics.utils import _is_1d
from acoustics.signal import bandpass
from acoustics.bands import (_check_band_type, octave_low, octave_high, third_low, third_high)
[docs]def mean_alpha(alphas, surfaces):
Calculate mean of absorption coefficients.
:param alphas: Absorption coefficients :math:`\\alpha`.
:param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`.
return np.average(alphas, axis=0, weights=surfaces)
[docs]def nrc(alphas):
Calculate Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) from four absorption
coefficient values (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz).
:param alphas: Absorption coefficients :math:`\\alpha`.
alpha_axis = alphas.ndim - 1
return np.mean(alphas, axis=alpha_axis)
[docs]def t60_sabine(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED):
Reverberation time according to Sabine.
:param surfaces: Surface of the room :math:`S`.
NumPy array that contains different surfaces.
:type surfaces: :class:`np.ndarray`
:param alpha: Absorption coefficient of the room :math:`\\alpha`.
Contains absorption coefficients of ``surfaces``.
It could be one value or some values in different bands (1D and 2D
array, respectively).
:type alpha: :class:`np.ndarray`
:param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`.
:type volume: :class:`float`
:param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`.
:type c: :class:`float`
:returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}`
Sabine's formula for the reverberation time is:
.. math:: T_{60} = \\frac{24 \\ln(10)}{c} \\frac{V}{S\\alpha}
mean_alpha_ = np.average(alpha, axis=0, weights=surfaces)
S = np.sum(surfaces, axis=0)
A = S * mean_alpha_
t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A)
return t60
[docs]def t60_eyring(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED):
Reverberation time according to Eyring.
:param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`.
:param alpha: Mean absorption coefficient :math:`\\alpha` or by frequency bands
:param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`.
:param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`.
:returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}`
Eyring's formula for the reverberation time is:
.. math:: T_{60} = \\frac{24 \\ln{10} V}{c \\left( 4 mV - S \\ln{\\left( 1 - \\alpha \\right)} \\right)}
mean_alpha_ = np.average(alpha, axis=0, weights=surfaces)
S = np.sum(surfaces, axis=0)
A = -S * np.log(1 - mean_alpha_)
t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A)
return t60
[docs]def t60_millington(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED):
Reverberation time according to Millington.
:param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`.
:param alpha: Mean absorption coefficient :math:`\\alpha` or by frequency bands
:param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`.
:param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`.
:returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}`
mean_alpha_ = np.average(alpha, axis=0, weights=surfaces)
A = -np.sum(surfaces[:, np.newaxis] * np.log(1.0 - mean_alpha_), axis=0)
t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A)
return t60
[docs]def t60_fitzroy(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED):
Reverberation time according to Fitzroy.
:param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`.
:param alpha: Mean absorption coefficient :math:`\\alpha` or by frequency bands
:param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`.
:param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`.
:returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}`
Sx = np.sum(surfaces[0:2])
Sy = np.sum(surfaces[2:4])
Sz = np.sum(surfaces[4:6])
St = np.sum(surfaces)
alpha = _is_1d(alpha)
a_x = np.average(alpha[:, 0:2], weights=surfaces[0:2], axis=1)
a_y = np.average(alpha[:, 2:4], weights=surfaces[2:4], axis=1)
a_z = np.average(alpha[:, 4:6], weights=surfaces[4:6], axis=1)
factor = -(Sx / np.log(1.0 - a_x) + Sy / np.log(1.0 - a_y) + Sz / np.log(1 - a_z))
t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume * factor / (c * St**2.0)
return t60
[docs]def t60_arau(Sx, Sy, Sz, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED):
Reverberation time according to Arau. [#arau]_
:param Sx: Total surface perpendicular to x-axis (yz-plane) :math:`S_{x}`.
:param Sy: Total surface perpendicular to y-axis (xz-plane) :math:`S_{y}`.
:param Sz: Total surface perpendicular to z-axis (xy-plane) :math:`S_{z}`.
:param alpha: Absorption coefficients :math:`\\mathbf{\\alpha} = \\left[ \\alpha_x, \\alpha_y, \\alpha_z \\right]`
:param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`.
:param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`.
:returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}`
.. [#arau] For more details, please see
a_x = -np.log(1 - alpha[0])
a_y = -np.log(1 - alpha[1])
a_z = -np.log(1 - alpha[2])
St = np.sum(np.array([Sx, Sy, Sz]))
A = St * a_x**(Sx / St) * a_y**(Sy / St) * a_z**(Sz / St)
t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A)
return t60
[docs]def t60_impulse(file_name, bands, rt='t30'): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
Reverberation time from a WAV impulse response.
:param file_name: name of the WAV file containing the impulse response.
:param bands: Octave or third bands as NumPy array.
:param rt: Reverberation time estimator. It accepts `'t30'`, `'t20'`, `'t10'` and `'edt'`.
:returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}`
fs, raw_signal = wavfile.read(file_name)
band_type = _check_band_type(bands)
if band_type == 'octave':
low = octave_low(bands[0], bands[-1])
high = octave_high(bands[0], bands[-1])
elif band_type == 'third':
low = third_low(bands[0], bands[-1])
high = third_high(bands[0], bands[-1])
rt = rt.lower()
if rt == 't30':
init = -5.0
end = -35.0
factor = 2.0
elif rt == 't20':
init = -5.0
end = -25.0
factor = 3.0
elif rt == 't10':
init = -5.0
end = -15.0
factor = 6.0
elif rt == 'edt':
init = 0.0
end = -10.0
factor = 6.0
t60 = np.zeros(bands.size)
for band in range(bands.size):
# Filtering signal
filtered_signal = bandpass(raw_signal, low[band], high[band], fs, order=8)
abs_signal = np.abs(filtered_signal) / np.max(np.abs(filtered_signal))
# Schroeder integration
sch = np.cumsum(abs_signal[::-1]**2)[::-1]
sch_db = 10.0 * np.log10(sch / np.max(sch))
# Linear regression
sch_init = sch_db[np.abs(sch_db - init).argmin()]
sch_end = sch_db[np.abs(sch_db - end).argmin()]
init_sample = np.where(sch_db == sch_init)[0][0]
end_sample = np.where(sch_db == sch_end)[0][0]
x = np.arange(init_sample, end_sample + 1) / fs
y = sch_db[init_sample:end_sample + 1]
slope, intercept = stats.linregress(x, y)[0:2]
# Reverberation time (T30, T20, T10 or EDT)
db_regress_init = (init - intercept) / slope
db_regress_end = (end - intercept) / slope
t60[band] = factor * (db_regress_end - db_regress_init)
return t60
[docs]def clarity(time, signal, fs, bands=None):
Clarity :math:`C_i` determined from an impulse response.
:param time: Time in miliseconds (e.g.: 50, 80).
:param signal: Impulse response.
:type signal: :class:`np.ndarray`
:param fs: Sample frequency.
:param bands: Bands of calculation (optional). Only support standard octave and third-octave bands.
:type bands: :class:`np.ndarray`
band_type = _check_band_type(bands)
if band_type == 'octave':
low = octave_low(bands[0], bands[-1])
high = octave_high(bands[0], bands[-1])
elif band_type == 'third':
low = third_low(bands[0], bands[-1])
high = third_high(bands[0], bands[-1])
c = np.zeros(bands.size)
for band in range(bands.size):
filtered_signal = bandpass(signal, low[band], high[band], fs, order=8)
h2 = filtered_signal**2.0
t = int((time / 1000.0) * fs + 1)
c[band] = 10.0 * np.log10((np.sum(h2[:t]) / np.sum(h2[t:])))
return c
[docs]def c50_from_file(file_name, bands=None):
Clarity for 50 miliseconds :math:`C_{50}` from a file.
:param file_name: File name (only WAV is supported).
:type file_name: :class:`str`
:param bands: Bands of calculation (optional). Only support standard octave and third-octave bands.
:type bands: :class:`np.ndarray`
fs, signal = wavfile.read(file_name)
return clarity(50.0, signal, fs, bands)
[docs]def c80_from_file(file_name, bands=None):
Clarity for 80 miliseconds :math:`C_{80}` from a file.
:param file_name: File name (only WAV is supported).
:type file_name: :class:`str`
:param bands: Bands of calculation (optional). Only support standard octave and third-octave bands.
:type bands: :class:`np.ndarray`
fs, signal = wavfile.read(file_name)
return clarity(80.0, signal, fs, bands)