Source code for


The room acoustics module contains several functions to calculate the reverberation time in spaces.
import numpy as np

from import wavfile
from scipy import stats

from acoustics.utils import _is_1d
from acoustics.signal import bandpass
from acoustics.bands import (_check_band_type, octave_low, octave_high, third_low, third_high)


[docs]def mean_alpha(alphas, surfaces): """ Calculate mean of absorption coefficients. :param alphas: Absorption coefficients :math:`\\alpha`. :param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`. """ return np.average(alphas, axis=0, weights=surfaces)
[docs]def nrc(alphas): """ Calculate Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) from four absorption coefficient values (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz). :param alphas: Absorption coefficients :math:`\\alpha`. """ alpha_axis = alphas.ndim - 1 return np.mean(alphas, axis=alpha_axis)
[docs]def t60_sabine(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED): """ Reverberation time according to Sabine. :param surfaces: Surface of the room :math:`S`. NumPy array that contains different surfaces. :type surfaces: :class:`np.ndarray` :param alpha: Absorption coefficient of the room :math:`\\alpha`. Contains absorption coefficients of ``surfaces``. It could be one value or some values in different bands (1D and 2D array, respectively). :type alpha: :class:`np.ndarray` :param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`. :type volume: :class:`float` :param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`. :type c: :class:`float` :returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}` Sabine's formula for the reverberation time is: .. math:: T_{60} = \\frac{24 \\ln(10)}{c} \\frac{V}{S\\alpha} """ mean_alpha_ = np.average(alpha, axis=0, weights=surfaces) S = np.sum(surfaces, axis=0) A = S * mean_alpha_ t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A) return t60
[docs]def t60_eyring(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED): """ Reverberation time according to Eyring. :param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`. :param alpha: Mean absorption coefficient :math:`\\alpha` or by frequency bands :param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`. :param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`. :returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}` Eyring's formula for the reverberation time is: .. math:: T_{60} = \\frac{24 \\ln{10} V}{c \\left( 4 mV - S \\ln{\\left( 1 - \\alpha \\right)} \\right)} """ mean_alpha_ = np.average(alpha, axis=0, weights=surfaces) S = np.sum(surfaces, axis=0) A = -S * np.log(1 - mean_alpha_) t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A) return t60
[docs]def t60_millington(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED): """ Reverberation time according to Millington. :param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`. :param alpha: Mean absorption coefficient :math:`\\alpha` or by frequency bands :param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`. :param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`. :returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}` """ mean_alpha_ = np.average(alpha, axis=0, weights=surfaces) A = -np.sum(surfaces[:, np.newaxis] * np.log(1.0 - mean_alpha_), axis=0) t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A) return t60
[docs]def t60_fitzroy(surfaces, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED): """ Reverberation time according to Fitzroy. :param surfaces: Surfaces :math:`S`. :param alpha: Mean absorption coefficient :math:`\\alpha` or by frequency bands :param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`. :param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`. :returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}` """ Sx = np.sum(surfaces[0:2]) Sy = np.sum(surfaces[2:4]) Sz = np.sum(surfaces[4:6]) St = np.sum(surfaces) alpha = _is_1d(alpha) a_x = np.average(alpha[:, 0:2], weights=surfaces[0:2], axis=1) a_y = np.average(alpha[:, 2:4], weights=surfaces[2:4], axis=1) a_z = np.average(alpha[:, 4:6], weights=surfaces[4:6], axis=1) factor = -(Sx / np.log(1.0 - a_x) + Sy / np.log(1.0 - a_y) + Sz / np.log(1 - a_z)) t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume * factor / (c * St**2.0) return t60
[docs]def t60_arau(Sx, Sy, Sz, alpha, volume, c=SOUNDSPEED): """ Reverberation time according to Arau. [#arau]_ :param Sx: Total surface perpendicular to x-axis (yz-plane) :math:`S_{x}`. :param Sy: Total surface perpendicular to y-axis (xz-plane) :math:`S_{y}`. :param Sz: Total surface perpendicular to z-axis (xy-plane) :math:`S_{z}`. :param alpha: Absorption coefficients :math:`\\mathbf{\\alpha} = \\left[ \\alpha_x, \\alpha_y, \\alpha_z \\right]` :param volume: Volume of the room :math:`V`. :param c: Speed of sound :math:`c`. :returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}` .. [#arau] For more details, please see """ a_x = -np.log(1 - alpha[0]) a_y = -np.log(1 - alpha[1]) a_z = -np.log(1 - alpha[2]) St = np.sum(np.array([Sx, Sy, Sz])) A = St * a_x**(Sx / St) * a_y**(Sy / St) * a_z**(Sz / St) t60 = 4.0 * np.log(10.0**6.0) * volume / (c * A) return t60
[docs]def t60_impulse(file_name, bands, rt='t30'): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Reverberation time from a WAV impulse response. :param file_name: name of the WAV file containing the impulse response. :param bands: Octave or third bands as NumPy array. :param rt: Reverberation time estimator. It accepts `'t30'`, `'t20'`, `'t10'` and `'edt'`. :returns: Reverberation time :math:`T_{60}` """ fs, raw_signal = band_type = _check_band_type(bands) if band_type == 'octave': low = octave_low(bands[0], bands[-1]) high = octave_high(bands[0], bands[-1]) elif band_type == 'third': low = third_low(bands[0], bands[-1]) high = third_high(bands[0], bands[-1]) rt = rt.lower() if rt == 't30': init = -5.0 end = -35.0 factor = 2.0 elif rt == 't20': init = -5.0 end = -25.0 factor = 3.0 elif rt == 't10': init = -5.0 end = -15.0 factor = 6.0 elif rt == 'edt': init = 0.0 end = -10.0 factor = 6.0 t60 = np.zeros(bands.size) for band in range(bands.size): # Filtering signal filtered_signal = bandpass(raw_signal, low[band], high[band], fs, order=8) abs_signal = np.abs(filtered_signal) / np.max(np.abs(filtered_signal)) # Schroeder integration sch = np.cumsum(abs_signal[::-1]**2)[::-1] sch_db = 10.0 * np.log10(sch / np.max(sch)) # Linear regression sch_init = sch_db[np.abs(sch_db - init).argmin()] sch_end = sch_db[np.abs(sch_db - end).argmin()] init_sample = np.where(sch_db == sch_init)[0][0] end_sample = np.where(sch_db == sch_end)[0][0] x = np.arange(init_sample, end_sample + 1) / fs y = sch_db[init_sample:end_sample + 1] slope, intercept = stats.linregress(x, y)[0:2] # Reverberation time (T30, T20, T10 or EDT) db_regress_init = (init - intercept) / slope db_regress_end = (end - intercept) / slope t60[band] = factor * (db_regress_end - db_regress_init) return t60
[docs]def clarity(time, signal, fs, bands=None): """ Clarity :math:`C_i` determined from an impulse response. :param time: Time in miliseconds (e.g.: 50, 80). :param signal: Impulse response. :type signal: :class:`np.ndarray` :param fs: Sample frequency. :param bands: Bands of calculation (optional). Only support standard octave and third-octave bands. :type bands: :class:`np.ndarray` """ band_type = _check_band_type(bands) if band_type == 'octave': low = octave_low(bands[0], bands[-1]) high = octave_high(bands[0], bands[-1]) elif band_type == 'third': low = third_low(bands[0], bands[-1]) high = third_high(bands[0], bands[-1]) c = np.zeros(bands.size) for band in range(bands.size): filtered_signal = bandpass(signal, low[band], high[band], fs, order=8) h2 = filtered_signal**2.0 t = int((time / 1000.0) * fs + 1) c[band] = 10.0 * np.log10((np.sum(h2[:t]) / np.sum(h2[t:]))) return c
[docs]def c50_from_file(file_name, bands=None): """ Clarity for 50 miliseconds :math:`C_{50}` from a file. :param file_name: File name (only WAV is supported). :type file_name: :class:`str` :param bands: Bands of calculation (optional). Only support standard octave and third-octave bands. :type bands: :class:`np.ndarray` """ fs, signal = return clarity(50.0, signal, fs, bands)
[docs]def c80_from_file(file_name, bands=None): """ Clarity for 80 miliseconds :math:`C_{80}` from a file. :param file_name: File name (only WAV is supported). :type file_name: :class:`str` :param bands: Bands of calculation (optional). Only support standard octave and third-octave bands. :type bands: :class:`np.ndarray` """ fs, signal = return clarity(80.0, signal, fs, bands)