Source code for acoustics.standards.iec_61672_1_2013

IEC 61672-1:2013

IEC 61672-1:2013 gives electroacoustical performance specifications for three
kinds of sound measuring instruments [IEC61672]_:

- time-weighting sound level meters that measure exponential-time-weighted, frequency-weighted sound levels;
- integrating-averaging sound level meters that measure time-averaged, frequency-weighted sound levels; and
- integrating sound level meters that measure frequency-weighted sound exposure levels.

.. [IEC61672]!opendocument

Weighting functions

.. autofunction:: weighting_function_a
.. autofunction:: weighting_function_c
.. autofunction:: weighting_function_z

Weighting systems

.. autofunction:: weighting_system_a
.. autofunction:: weighting_system_c
.. autofunction:: weighting_system_z

import io
import os
import pkgutil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import zpk2tf
from scipy.signal import lfilter, bilinear
from .iso_tr_25417_2007 import REFERENCE_PRESSURE

WEIGHTING_DATA = pd.read_csv(
    io.BytesIO(pkgutil.get_data('acoustics', os.path.join('data', 'iec_61672_1_2013.csv'))), sep=',', index_col=0)
"""DataFrame with indices, nominal frequencies and weighting values.

"""Nominal 1/3-octave frequencies. See table 3.

"""Nominal 1/1-octave frequencies. Based on table 3.

"""Reference frequency. See table 3.

"""Exact third-octave center frequencies. See table 3.

"""Frequency weighting A. See table 3.

"""Frequency weighting C. See table 3.

"""Frequency weighting Z. See table 3.

"""Dictionary with weighting values 'A', 'C' and 'Z' weighting.

FAST = 0.125
"""FAST time-constant.

SLOW = 1.000
"""SLOW time-constant.

[docs]def time_averaged_sound_level(pressure, sample_frequency, averaging_time, reference_pressure=REFERENCE_PRESSURE): """Time-averaged sound pressure level. :param pressure: Dynamic pressure. :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency. :param averaging_time: Averaging time. :param reference_pressure: Reference pressure. """ levels = 10.0 * np.log10(average(pressure**2.0, sample_frequency, averaging_time) / reference_pressure**2.0) times = np.arange(levels.shape[-1]) * averaging_time return times, levels
[docs]def average(data, sample_frequency, averaging_time): """Average the sound pressure squared. :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`. :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency. :param averaging_time: Averaging time. :returns: Time weighting is applied by applying a low-pass filter with one real pole at :math:`-1/\\tau`. .. note:: Because :math:`f_s \\cdot t_i` is generally not an integer, samples are discarded. This results in a drift of samples for longer signals (e.g. 60 minutes at 44.1 kHz). """ averaging_time = np.asarray(averaging_time) sample_frequency = np.asarray(sample_frequency) samples = data.shape[-1] n = np.floor(averaging_time * sample_frequency).astype(int) data = data[..., 0:n * (samples // n)] # Drop the tail of the signal. newshape = list(data.shape[0:-1]) newshape.extend([-1, n]) data = data.reshape(newshape) #data = data.reshape((-1, n)) return data.mean(axis=-1)
[docs]def time_weighted_sound_level(pressure, sample_frequency, integration_time, reference_pressure=REFERENCE_PRESSURE): """Time-weighted sound pressure level. :param pressure: Dynamic pressure. :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency. :param integration_time: Integration time. :param reference_pressure: Reference pressure. """ levels = 10.0 * np.log10(integrate(pressure**2.0, sample_frequency, integration_time) / reference_pressure**2.0) times = np.arange(levels.shape[-1]) * integration_time return times, levels
[docs]def integrate(data, sample_frequency, integration_time): """Integrate the sound pressure squared using exponential integration. :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`. :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency. :param integration_time: Integration time. :returns: Time weighting is applied by applying a low-pass filter with one real pole at :math:`-1/\\tau`. .. note:: Because :math:`f_s \\cdot t_i` is generally not an integer, samples are discarded. This results in a drift of samples for longer signals (e.g. 60 minutes at 44.1 kHz). """ integration_time = np.asarray(integration_time) sample_frequency = np.asarray(sample_frequency) samples = data.shape[-1] b, a = zpk2tf([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], [1.0]) b, a = bilinear(b, a, fs=sample_frequency) #b, a = bilinear([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], fs=sample_frequency) # Bilinear: Analog to Digital filter. n = np.floor(integration_time * sample_frequency).astype(int) data = data[..., 0:n * (samples // n)] newshape = list(data.shape[0:-1]) newshape.extend([-1, n]) data = data.reshape(newshape) #data = data.reshape((-1, n)) # Divide in chunks over which to perform the integration. return lfilter( b, a, data)[..., n - 1] / integration_time # Perform the integration. Select the final value of the integration.
[docs]def fast(data, fs): """Apply fast (F) time-weighting. :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`. :param fs: Sample frequency. .. seealso:: :func:`integrate` """ return integrate(data, fs, FAST)
#return time_weighted_sound_level(data, fs, FAST)
[docs]def slow(data, fs): """Apply slow (S) time-weighting. :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`. :param fs: Sample frequency. .. seealso:: :func:`integrate` """ return integrate(data, fs, SLOW)
#return time_weighted_sound_level(data, fs, SLOW)
[docs]def fast_level(data, fs): """Time-weighted (FAST) sound pressure level. :param data: Dynamic pressure. :param fs: Sample frequency. .. seealso:: :func:`time_weighted_sound_level` """ return time_weighted_sound_level(data, fs, FAST)
[docs]def slow_level(data, fs): """Time-weighted (SLOW) sound pressure level. :param data: Dynamic pressure. :param fs: Sample frequency. .. seealso:: :func:`time_weighted_sound_level` """ return time_weighted_sound_level(data, fs, SLOW)
#---- Annex E - Analytical expressions for frequency-weightings C, A, and Z.-# _POLE_FREQUENCIES = { 1: 20.60, 2: 107.7, 3: 737.9, 4: 12194.0, } """Approximate values for pole frequencies f_1, f_2, f_3 and f_4. See section E.4.1 of the standard. """ _NORMALIZATION_CONSTANTS = { 'A': -2.000, 'C': -0.062, } """Normalization constants :math:`C_{1000}` and :math:`A_{1000}`. See section E.4.2 of the standard. """
[docs]def weighting_function_a(frequencies): r"""A-weighting function in decibel. :param frequencies: Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the weighting. :returns: Vector with scaling factors. The weighting curve is .. math:: 20 \log_{10}{\frac{(f_4^2 * f^4)}{(f^2 + f_1^2) \sqrt{(f^2 + f_2^2)(f^2 + f_3^2)}(f^2 + f_4^2)}} - A_{1000} with :math:`A_{1000} = -2` dB. See equation E.6 of the standard. """ f = np.asarray(frequencies) offset = _NORMALIZATION_CONSTANTS['A'] f1, f2, f3, f4 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES.values() weighting = 20.0 * np.log10((f4**2.0 * f**4.0) / ( (f**2.0 + f1**2.0) * np.sqrt(f**2.0 + f2**2.0) * np.sqrt(f**2.0 + f3**2.0) * (f**2.0 + f4**2.0))) - offset return weighting
[docs]def weighting_function_c(frequencies): r"""C-weighting function in decibel. :param frequencies: Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the weighting. :returns: Vector with scaling factors. The weighting curve is .. math:: 20 \log_{10}{\frac{(f_4^2 f^2)}{(f^2+f_1^2)(f^2+f_4^2)}} - C_{1000} with :math:`C_{1000} = -0.062` dB See equation E.1 of the standard. """ f = np.asarray(frequencies) offset = _NORMALIZATION_CONSTANTS['C'] f1, _, _, f4 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES.values() weighting = 20.0 * np.log10((f4**2.0 * f**2.0) / ((f**2.0 + f1**2.0) * (f**2.0 + f4**2.0))) - offset return weighting
[docs]def weighting_function_z(frequencies): """Z-weighting function in decibel. :param frequencies: Vector of frequencies at which to evaluate the weighting. :returns: Vector with scaling factors. """ frequencies = np.asarray(frequencies) return np.zeros_like(frequencies)
WEIGHTING_FUNCTIONS = { 'A': weighting_function_a, 'C': weighting_function_c, 'Z': weighting_function_z, } """Dictionary with available weighting functions 'A', 'C' and 'Z'. """
[docs]def weighting_system_a(): """A-weighting filter represented as polynomial transfer function. :returns: Tuple of `num` and `den`. See equation E.6 of the standard. """ f1 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES[1] f2 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES[2] f3 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES[3] f4 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES[4] offset = _NORMALIZATION_CONSTANTS['A'] numerator = np.array([(2.0 * np.pi * f4)**2.0 * (10**(-offset / 20.0)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) part1 = [1.0, 4.0 * np.pi * f4, (2.0 * np.pi * f4)**2.0] part2 = [1.0, 4.0 * np.pi * f1, (2.0 * np.pi * f1)**2.0] part3 = [1.0, 2.0 * np.pi * f3] part4 = [1.0, 2.0 * np.pi * f2] denomenator = np.convolve(np.convolve(np.convolve(part1, part2), part3), part4) return numerator, denomenator
[docs]def weighting_system_c(): """C-weighting filter represented as polynomial transfer function. :returns: Tuple of `num` and `den`. See equation E.1 of the standard. """ f1 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES[1] f4 = _POLE_FREQUENCIES[4] offset = _NORMALIZATION_CONSTANTS['C'] numerator = np.array([(2.0 * np.pi * f4)**2.0 * (10**(-offset / 20.0)), 0.0, 0.0]) part1 = [1.0, 4.0 * np.pi * f4, (2.0 * np.pi * f4)**2.0] part2 = [1.0, 4.0 * np.pi * f1, (2.0 * np.pi * f1)**2.0] denomenator = np.convolve(part1, part2) return numerator, denomenator
[docs]def weighting_system_z(): """Z-weighting filter represented as polynomial transfer function. :returns: Tuple of `num` and `den`. Z-weighting is 0.0 dB for all frequencies and therefore corresponds to a multiplication of 1. """ numerator = [1] denomenator = [1] return numerator, denomenator
WEIGHTING_SYSTEMS = { 'A': weighting_system_a, 'C': weighting_system_c, 'Z': weighting_system_z, } """Weighting systems. """