Source code for acoustics.weighting


Weightings according to IEC 61672-1:2003.

import numpy as np

from acoustics.bands import third

    -63.4, -56.7, -50.5, -44.7, -39.4, -34.6, -30.2, -26.2, -22.5, -19.1, -16.1, -13.4, -10.9, -8.6, -6.6, -4.8, -3.2,
    -1.9, -0.8, +0.0, +0.6, +1.0, +1.2, +1.3, +1.2, +1.0, +0.5, -0.1, -1.1, -2.5, -4.3, -6.6, -9.3
A-weighting filter for preferred 1/3-octave band center frequencies, as specified in :attr:`acoustics.bands.THIRD_OCTAVE_CENTER_FREQUENCIES`.

    -11.2, -8.5, -6.2, -4.4, -3.0, -2.0, -1.3, -0.8, -0.5, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, +0.0, +0.0, +0.0, +0.0, +0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
    +0.0, +0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.5, -0.8, -1.3, -2.0, -3.0, -4.4, -6.2, -8.5, -11.2
C-weighting filter for preferred 1/3-octave band center frequencies, as specified in :attr:`acoustics.bands.THIRD_OCTAVE_CENTER_FREQUENCIES`.

[docs]def a_weighting(first, last): """ Select frequency weightings between ``first`` and ``last`` centerfrequencies from A-weighting. Possible values for these frequencies are third-octave frequencies between 12.5 Hz and 20,000 Hz (including them). Parameters ---------- first : scalar First third-octave centerfrequency. last : scalar Last third-octave centerfrequency. Returns ------- NumPy array with A-weighting between ``first`` and ``last`` centerfrequencies. """ return _weighting("a", first, last)
[docs]def c_weighting(first, last): """ Select frequency weightings between ``first`` and ``last`` centerfrequencies from C-weighting. Possible values for these frequencies are third-octave frequencies between 12.5 Hz and 20,000 Hz (including them). Parameters ---------- first : scalar First third-octave centerfrequency. last : scalar Last third-octave centerfrequency. Returns ------- NumPy array with A-weighting between ``first`` and ``last`` centerfrequencies. """ return _weighting("c", first, last)
def _weighting(filter_type, first, last): third_oct_bands = third(12.5, 20000.0).tolist() low = third_oct_bands.index(first) high = third_oct_bands.index(last) if filter_type == "a": freq_weightings = THIRD_OCTAVE_A_WEIGHTING elif filter_type == "c": freq_weightings = THIRD_OCTAVE_C_WEIGHTING return freq_weightings[low:high + 1]
[docs]def z2a(levels, first, last): """Apply A-weighting to Z-weighted signal. """ return levels + a_weighting(first, last)
[docs]def a2z(levels, first, last): """Remove A-weighting from A-weighted signal. """ return levels - a_weighting(first, last)
[docs]def z2c(levels, first, last): """Apply C-weighting to Z-weighted signal. """ return levels + c_weighting(first, last)
[docs]def c2z(levels, first, last): """Remove C-weighting from C-weighted signal. """ return levels - c_weighting(first, last)
[docs]def a2c(levels, first, last): """Go from A-weighted to C-weighted. """ dB = a2z(levels, first, last) return z2c(dB, first, last)
[docs]def c2a(levels, first, last): """Go from C-weighted to A-weighted. """ dB = c2z(levels, first, last) return z2a(dB, first, last)
__all__ = [ 'THIRD_OCTAVE_A_WEIGHTING', 'THIRD_OCTAVE_C_WEIGHTING', 'a_weighting', 'c_weighting', 'z2a', 'a2z', 'z2c', 'c2z', 'a2c', 'c2a', ]